There are two Artifacts in total as confirmed by Rainimator: The Dragon Seer's Staff. 12 Guardian's Landing 2 Land of Meraldia 2. Lyria Wintona, the Wind Walker, is a captain in the Elytra Corps and a scout for the Frostbourne frontier outposts. Banners are vertical flags and designs bearing the insignia of their faction, representing the faction itself. [5] 지금도 그렇지만 당시에는 Deviantart에서 활동을 많이 했으며 [6] 유튜브 개인채널에서는 일본 애니메이션의 마음에 드는 장면들을 올리는 그냥 평범한 유튜버였다. View Mobile Site Follow on IG. Skylor is the third character belonging to Elite who is in the Rainimator's Fractures series, appearing in War of the End Kingdoms prequel. In 2021, as a response to a question in the #rainimator-question-corner on Discord, Rainimator confirmed both Ceris and Nostra as LGBTQ+ characters, although did not intially specify. 11. He was killed by a vengeance-driven Rain during Just So You Know alongside Scorch and Abigail Crysteffor, leading the Nether into it's descent. Qinny, the Shulker Golem was a member of the End Witch Coven who first appeared in the War of the Ender Kingdoms trailer. Herobrine is the main antagonist of the first season of Fractures. Together, they ride to the Swamp Lands in search. Lance is also the main antagonist of the War of the Ender Kingdoms series, which is a prequel to the Fractures series. The Piglin King and his faction are independent, but they run supply lines for the Nether King in exchange for protection. The villagers have been overwhelmed by the Nether army. The official Rainimator server where you can receive. After the conclusion of Fractures, Rainimator has expressed an interest for the series to be his new main project. He's one of a kind. To The Void was the only filler to be set solely in the End, and the only End-centric episode so far. The End is home. It will begin in 2022 with the standalone To The Void. 3. "Endstone Crusaders" is the third season of Fractures, an original Minecraft animated music video series by Rainimator. 2. The Ender Frog is seen to be able to shoot Arcane Beams from its mouth. He is voiced by Tigilord. 1 of a Kind is an alternative take on The Struggle within the Rainimator Series "Fractures". “When you're the therapy friend, you help everyone untangle the knots in their life. Klaus is voiced by Daniel Wood. 11 Wasteland 1. "The. KaneInfernius (/ɪnˈfəːnɪəs/), the Blazing Doom, is one of the two secondary antagonist (alongside Hogsworth) of Fractures season 2. 11. Anyone can add a theory that confirms to the guidelines. Theory. Gotta Get Outta Here is the third episode of the third season of Fractures and the 21st episode overall. 8 Embers of Eternity 6. He was the boyfriend of Maya Terraflare. The reason why the Ender Watchers chose him as the Dragon Tamer is still left to speculation. "The. To add a ship to this page, there are a few criteria that must be met. He conquered a substantial part of the continent and decimated mankind with his army. 3. The server where the editors of both the Rainimator Wiki/TheBlueJerome wiki hang out, share creations and things online and communicate about the wiki. After Theo died in We Are the Danger, Ser Patrick became the new grandmaster. A militaristic society, the Frostbourne are led by the Grandmaster Ser Patrick. 2. As their name suggests, they are composed of a fleet of End Ships instead of using portals for transport. Zeganirn first appeared in Cold as. When you're the therapy friend, your friends go to you for help. He specializes in Minecraft Original Animated. He spent his final moments - stopping my demonic corruption. com Check out an entire wiki about Rainimator over at Rainimator Wiki. A Rainimator AU by Baryonyx138. Christopher Jennings, known under his online alias Lost Compositions, is a professional freelance voice actor and animation producer from the United States. Kane founded the Netherbane in his mission to protect the Overworld against the influence of the Nether Horde. You must not be the only person to ship this. 3. The dimension is one of three in Minecraftia, having first appeared in We Are the Danger. It focuses on Hilda who leads a Frostbourne front against the Nether Horde to defend the Tundra Villages. They first appeared in Nightmares. She first appeared in Cold as Ice. The War of the Ender Kingdoms Trailer is a trailer to the War of the Ender Kingdoms prequel series. 등장 인물 3. A red marking was present on the left. This category shouldn't contain faction, species and title articles and categories. 3 Ariden Desert 1. 3. The following evidence for this is: So far, there has been no normal skeletons. Qinny is a shulker with purple shell, light yellow skin, and black eyes. Her path to vengeance. It follows the Orchid Fleet, an infamous band of End-pirates led by Captain Arabella, on their search for the End. This category contains episodes and events of Season 1 of Rainimator’s Fractures series. The music video premiered on. Check out an entire wiki about Rainimator over at Rainimator Wiki. Rain Allen Olaguer, better known by his YouTube name Rainimator,( formerly Radapedaxa), is a Filipino animator, gamer, and creator of Minecraft videos. Ciara and Kane waiting for Shaney and Michael. Vanessa Crysteffor is the mother of Abigail Crysteffor. He specializes in Minecraft Original Animated. Be Afraid is the pilot episode of the third season of Fractures and the 18th episode overall. Amelia Mader is an American singer, pianist and composer based in Los Angeles, California. It is a part of the Rainimator series "Fractures" using the THR3 song of the same name. She is the voice of Ceris, Azura, and Abigail Crysteffor in Fractures, a Minecraft music video series by Rainimator. 7 Rebirth 6. As Rain tries to use the situation to. 글레이셔퍼드 3. Riyu is one of the two known protagonists from the upcoming Iron Hearted episode. "The. 2. It uses Blacklite District's song of the same name. Nostra is the first and so far only non-binary [1] character in the series, making them the third LGBTQ+ character in the series. When you're the therapy friend, you are a source for comfort and. Due to the harsh environment, the many species here have resorted to adapting to the blazing sea and. 1. Information 1 Appearance 2 Personality 3 Skills and Abilities 4 Gallery 5 Trivia Appearance Zyzor is a hydrokin with a white, ruffled beard and glowing blue eyes, nose, and mouth. Bombarded by Blazes, she was eventually cornered during the Battle of the Far Plains, going down in a blaze of glory. Category page. It is centered around the war between the Frostbourne. Kyle Pfeiffer (born June 9, 1990), better known by his stage name Blacklite District, is an American rock music artist. Discord is a free communication service with features such as text and voice chat, used by the wiki and Rainimator. ago - End Dancers, the predecessor to their modern equivalent,. A small beauty mark is. Naeus, as known as the current Nether King, is the main antagonist of Rainimator's Fractures saga. We are also active on Discord . "Herobrine's Revenge" is the first season of Fractures, an original Minecraft animated music video series by Rainimator. Approx. Gigabone (/ˈɡɪɡ. It is extremely large and durable, as well as. Stella addressing Ser PatrickThe Coven is a minor human faction, appearing in the second season of the Rainimator Series "Fractures". Ciara is a ruthless Netherbane assassin, member of the Endstone Crusaders and Kane's partner. During this time, Cobra was born. The video was created as part of a collaboration between Blacklite District and Rainimator and centers on Rain and Stella fleeing the Nether Assassins as Zeganirn struggles to stall them. His attire includes a purple-brown cloak, a dark gray undershirt, black pants and brown boots. To The Void is a special episode in Rainimator's Fractures saga. This is a category to navigate all existing theory pages. Rain Allen Olaguer, better known by his YouTube name Rainimator, ( formerly Radapedaxa), is a Filipino animator, gamer, and creator of Minecraft videos. The Ender Greatsword. Rain Allen Olaguer, better known by his YouTube name Rainimator, ( formerly Radapedaxa), is a Filipino animator, gamer, and creator of Minecraft videos. Written by Eddie Robson, the paperback graphic novel recounts the events of 'Herobrine's Revenge'; the first season of Fractures. 3. The Enderkin are best identified by their purple sclera and white eyes (known better as the Ender Eye ), manifesting in both eyes on most occasions, or toggling in high intensity situations. Kyle Pfeiffer provides the vocals and Roman James is the guitarist. The Struggle is the first episode of the first season of Fractures. Het Also Known As Neris Naris is the het ship between Naeus and Ceris from the Rainimator fandom. It uses Blacklite District's song of the same name. It marks the debut of Gwendolyn and how the Ender Watchers were formed. It features Abigail Crysteffor as she learns her true heritage and fights to be the rightful heir to the Horde's rule. "Already Dead" is the sixth episode of the third season of Fractures and the 26th episode overall. Voiced by Amelia Mader, she first appeared in "The. Riyu is a small child with yellow eyes and short light brown hair. To spare his dying partner, Kane strikes a truce with the Nether Princess, promising to protect her title. Adept at choral music, she. 4 Ariden Fort 1. 1 Mystic Island 1. 3 Howling Mountains 2. In Latin, Dyana means 'divine'. Rainimator Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. He first appeared in Cold as Ice, and was voiced by Tigilord in We Are the Danger . Lance (Former Ruler) Lightnest (Formerly) Man-Dragon (Possibly). This is for theories about Naeus, the current king of the Nether Horde. 드레드포트 3. Humans, one of three civilized species of the Overworld alongside villagers and illagers are the predominant species of the Overworld, surviving on the many flora and fauna and relying on their intellect to survive and satisfy. Azura finding out about the heartbreak of Rain in Just So You Know. Elite was a tall, blonde-haired long man with. "Iron Hearted", the title of Rainimator Shorts #1, is the upcoming first installment of Rainimator Shorts, a miniseries set in the Fractures universe. Contents 1 About 1. Azura with her machine in Cold as Ice. It follows an iron golem and his companion, a girl named Riyu, and occurs concurrently with "We Are the Danger". A scientist, Lyria was apprenticed by Azura and rose to her position for her flying talent, despite her youth and inexpertise with battle. An assassin ties loose ends with the Piglin King, her lifelong enemy. 타임라인 3. Ciara being chocked by Klaus in Already Dead. The Frostbourne's goal is to purge the Overworld of any threat to the survival of mankind, such as Herobrine. It will be featured in the upcoming War of the Ender Kingdoms prequel series. Information. Rainimator Fanfic Wiki 323 pages Explore Characters Factions FanFics Community in: Characters, Protagonists, Undead (species), Main Protagonists Cobra Sign in to edit Cobra Aliases C, The Sharpshooter, Monster Hunter Relatives Unnamed parents (Deceased), unnamed siblings (Deceased) Affiliation Sagittariorum's Elite Marksman Captain (Formerly) Gwendolyn the Arch-Enchantress is a powerful End Lord and founder of the Coven in Fractured World. Zarkos, the Arch Necromancer of the Nether Kingdom, is a supporting antagonist and member of the Nether Horde who made his debut in Back into Darkness. King Glutton is the secondary antagonist of the first season in Rainimator's Fractures saga, debuting in We Are the Danger. However in those scenes, zombies and skeletons wore helmets, which protected them from the sun. A character may only be added if they have been approved by Rain in #accepted-character-ideas. Stella gives the. To The Void is written from the perspective of the animation's main character, Arabella (voiced. Theories should NOT be added here, but instead on their respective pages. She first appeared in Wishing Dead, and is voiced by Aryn Rozelle. In Minecraft, the Undead appear every night. 종족 3. 5000 yr. For casual wear, Hilda wears a black T-shirt with a. Azura walking up to collect her wingsuit in Goodbye. 1 Land of Mankind 1. He was soon challenged by. The Orchid Fleet was a faction of infamous End-pirates, captained by Arabella and originating from an outer End City. Also, despite its abilities, it is likely just a companion pet. During Back Into. 무기 4. 3 The Revelations Arc 1 Appearance 2 Personality 3 Skills and Abilities 4 Gallery 5 Trivia Appearance Zyzor is a hydrokin with a white, ruffled beard and glowing blue eyes, nose, and mouth. Hogsworth serves as one of two secondary antagonist of Fractures season 2 (Alongside Infernius ), and remains secondary antagonist in season 3. 3 Memories 6. Azalea, the Lush Princess, is one of the few remaining undead lords. The Entity, or the Entity 303, [3] is the main antagonist of the cancelled Fractures: A Minecraft Movie and the leader of the Red Legion. We Are The Danger XL (Season 3 Finale) " Preach to the Choir " is the seventh episode of the third season of Fractures and the 27th episode overall. 5 Frostbite 6. She was the heir to the throne of the first Pig King. He was a waiter at the Netherbane Tavern before taking up post as the proud warrior of the Unnamed Village. She is also involved in projects headed by Minecraft animators Noah Atlantis and RedBlue115. Not what you were looking for? Go to Naeus for Fractures character main page. " Ralla " is the official name for a fan-built ship between Rain and Stella that arose as a product of Stella's. 1 Fanart 5 Navigation Canon The two had their first encounter in "Ender wish". A Rainimator Production Team Member has confirmed that this ship was canon on the Rainimator Wiki Discord/ This was the first canon ship within the Fractures series, preceding Pazura by nearly a whole season. . Rainimator Series 3. 4 Squid Coast Play all Herobrine has brought his undead army to the realm and decimated most of mankind, bringing the overworld into desolation. The Ender Watchers allied with the Frostbourne during the Battle for.